Thriving Bites #7

Well here I am back in your Inbox. The absence has been a little over six months. Let me explain!

Just after my last Thriving Bite, I was invited for a coffee by the CEO of a not-for-profit organisation. We knew each other from previous work assignments and I always admired his honesty, intelligence, and just all-round good-guy nature.

Well it seems the feeling was mutual as he asked if I would be interested in a short-term contract with his organisation. I couldn’t say no!

I have been able to juggle it at the same time as teaching new clients to thrive through The Thrive Programme - but something had to give - so my writing took a nose dive!

This last six months, I’ve had the opportunity to work in an organisation that supports people with intellectual disability. I’ve been learning every day I’m there, and at the same time sharing my knowledge and experience to support the organisation’s future growth. It’s been fantastic!

But back to writing all things thrivey …


How To Be Powerful In A Difficult Situation


Life is going to have hurdles. There’s no way around that. Is there a science-backed way to smooth out the bumps instead of going into a full jet-propelled nose dive? There is. Read my latest blog to find out what it is.

Read more.

Are You Giving Away Your Power?


When you feel confident and in control of your life, it’s because you’re thinking internally, not externally.

You want to recognise when you’re thinking externally, so you can change direction. Here’s a checklist:

  1. Luck, fate, superstitions - if you’re wearing your lucky socks for that job interview rather than putting in the effort into preparation, then you’re thinking externally

  2. Religiosity/spirituality - if you’re praying to get that promotion rather than putting the effort into build your knowledge and experience, then you’re thinking externally

  3. Social influences/others - if you’re losing sleep because you’re worried that people at work are talking about you, then you’re giving them your power. You’re thinking externally

  4. Thoughts/fears - if you believe that you have absolutely no control over your thoughts or fears or emotions, then you’re giving them your power. You’re thinking externally

  5. The environment (work, school, weather) - if the weather is making you miserable, or work is making you stressed, then you’re thinking externally. You’re giving away your power

  6. The past - if you believe you’ll never get on with your life because of something in your past, then you’re giving away your power. You’re thinking externally

Recognising when you’re giving away your power is the first step to taking it back and learning one of the most important psychological foundations for thriving.

3 Powerful Quotes


“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” Maya Angelou

“I never doubted not only that I would get out, but also that I would prevail in the end and turn the experience into the defining event of my life, which, in retrospect, I would not trade.” Jim Stockdale, US naval pilot commenting on how he coped during his time spent in a prisoner-of-war camp.

"Our past is a fictional representation, and the only thing we can be even somewhat sure of is what is happening now. It encourages us to live in the moment and not to place too much importance on our past. It forces us to accept that the best time of our lives, and our memory, is right now.” Dr Julia Shaw from her book The Memory Illusion

Michelle Carlyle