Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today.
— Tim Fargo

Are you here because you feel your stress levels have been in the high zone for too long now? A little bit of stress occasionally isn’t a cause for alarm, but ongoing stress is.

The Thrive Programme® is an evidence-based, easy-to-understand and empowering training programme that teaches people the skills and resources to overcome stress and learn to thrive. It was developed over many years by psychotherapist Rob Kelly and a team of psychologists and researchers based in Cambridge, England.

The Thrive Programme® comes from a completely different angle to any other treatment, therapy or intervention. Using the Programme, anyone can learn how to enjoy good mental health. Thrive is NOT therapy – it’s the complete opposite to therapy – and it puts you in the driving seat.

As a Licensed Thrive Consultant®, I can take you through the programme step-by-step, face-to-face (in my office or via the internet wherever you are) to ensure you understand what you're currently doing that isn't helpful to you and, what you need to do instead to overcome your anxiety. Think of me as your coach. As with someone wanting to learn swimming, tennis or football, a good coach will get you to where you want to be significantly quicker than trying to learn these skills on your own.

Let me be clear though, it's not magic. If you work with me, and you promise yourself that you will make the effort, you will reduce your stress. The programme requires your time for a one hour face-to-face session each week, for 6-8 weeks (depending largely on your time and effort) as well as some reading and exercises in between our sessions. Plus I provide you with some additional support following the main programme to be sure you're staying on track.

To find out more and to get a sense of who I am and what I'm like to work with, I'm happy to spend 15 minutes to give you a better understanding of how the programme is run and answer any questions you have.

I love that quote from Tim Fargo. "Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today." So, book a 15 minute chat and let's talk.

Other Symptoms overcome By The Thrive Programme

The Thrive Programme has successfully helped thousands of people to overcome a range of mental health issues. 

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Some Comments From Recent Clients

I wish people knew about the thrive program because it gives hope to people struggling with emetephobia and other anxiety disorders.”

”The thrive program was challenging but the amount it helped was so worth it. There are so many things that are different about me like I know I can cope if I vomit , I am more positive with life , I talk kindly to myself instead of always beating up on myself and best of all I am way less anxious and I have hope that my fear won’t control my life anymore.”

”I still work on things the thrive program taught me pretty much everyday but I am so much better and it is the best thing ever.
— Mikaela from NSW - Cure Your Emetophobia & Thrive Programme
I found the programme excellent, just what I wanted & having you as a mentor really helped me keep on track.”

”I feel confident, happy, positive & my future is going to be great.”

”Thanks again Michelle, I am a changed woman.
— Margaret from Western Australia - The Thrive Programme
This program has not only helped my fear immensely it has helped every area of my life.”

”The concepts may take some time to fully understand, but once the penny drops, it will change how you think about everything.”

”I now have the skills to stop my negative thoughts. I feel powerful and know I can cope with anything life throws at me.
— Nicole from Melbourne - Cure Your Emetophobia & Thrive Programme

(See the testimonials page for complete testimonials.)
